Proper Market Construction Is A Game Changer!

Ugly Old Goat
7 min readDec 11, 2020

Are you one of those missing out?

This article will be difficult to the 90% sheep traders out there. By that, I include the analysts (anal cysts) who preach cliches like “don’t let a profit run into a loss” while failing to do their homework.

This is the same crowd who push magic point stops above a group of highs or below a group of lows, creating cascading rekts, or what I call goat food.

There is so much wrong with the break-even mentality I really don’t know where to begin. In reality, it is a losing mindset and strategy.

It seems so obviously true to the novice. How can it possibly be a falsehood, you ask?

Where to place stops is perhaps the most common question I get from beginners. So I have written plenty about what is wrong with stop-loss orders and what I believe is the only correct approach.

So let us review the fallacy of stop-loss before we begin a deep dive into why break-even trading is a canard.

