Member-only story
In What Form Will Bitcoin Dominance Prevail…Currency Competition or Competing Standards
This is an in-house debate. The premise is Bitcoin will prevail. So the no-coiners are not included.
There are probably as many opinions on this as Bitcoiners. But I have narrowed it down to three categories by respected opinion makers.
Saifadeen Ammous makes the case of bitcoin dominance, George Selgin makes the case for currency competition, and Andreas Antonopoulos makes the case for Competing Standards.
Personally, I fit firmly in the Currency Competition camp. And will confess my confirmation bias from the outset.
So let’s begin with this by listening to their opinions.
First, here is a debate between Saifadeen Ammous and George Selgin on the subject sponsored by REASON TV.
Second, is a follow-up by George Selgin on CoinSpice which clarifies his position as there seemed to be a tendency to talk past one…