January 3, 2019 __Case No: 18888888EENAhksSohAkYwq7Fy4HLGciHb
COMES NOW this UGLY OLD GOAT under authority of an isolated farm to decree the narrative THE BITCOIN STANDARD is to be divorced from the plethora of misdirections that have occurred through the mistaken Keynsian notion that free market money means competition between standards promoted by THE CYRPTO WORLD, contrasted to the Austrian model that real currency competition occurs within one agreed upon standard, the Hayek Standard . . . which is THE BITCOIN STANDARD . . . the longest chain, secured through proof of work, with an unprintable limited supply, and is unconfiscateable.
The term hodl refers to holding bitcoin as a potential store of value and to that end BITCOIN is a speculative investment for early adopters who recognize that a common STANDARD, as envisioned by F.A. Hayek is a pre-requisite for a level playing field for the emergence of a store of value and efficient cash. . . and that the digital asset with the longest chain, secured through proof of work, with an unprintable limited supply, and unconfiscatable . . . or BITCOIN . . . is the sole digital asset meeting said requirements for such a STANDARD to emerge.
THEREFORE, it is hereby declared and decreed that the term “hodl” applies only to the common standard, THE BITCOIN STANDARD. The term “hodl” applied to THE CYRPTO WORLD is hereby declared null and void and meaningless.
Further, the term “buidl” is the intentional misspelling of “construct” by THE CRYPTO WORLD that is similar with the THE BITCOIN STANDARD phrase “hodl” created for the sole purpose to deceive and defraud.
THE CRYPTO WORLD’S deliberate misspelling-turned-term refers to developing or building on the thousands of alts and ICO’s of THE CYRPTO WORLD which amounts to building thousands of Rube Goldberg machines incapable of providing anything useful, let alone a useful STANDARD.
WHEREFORE, it is hereby declared that the use of “hodl” and “buidl” by THE CRYPTO WORLD is a deceptive fraud used by these wannabees to seduce the innocent into their skulduggery and such use is declared null and void.
FURTHER, the evidence clearly shows “hodling” bitcoin in anticipation of the emergence sound money through unfettered competition on THE BITCOIN STANDARD has significant merit in conjunction to a prudent entry plan applied 5% to 15% of one’s networth. (See Exhibit A below.)
FURTHER, competition on a level standard, THE BITCOIN STANDARD, provides a meaning of “buidl” beyond the strict meaning and application to developers of THE BITCOIN STANDARD illustrated in Exhibit B below:
And in Exhibit C below:
While such BITCOIN STANDARD “buidl” is a worthy and notable volition, most “hodlers” have little or no inclination toward such pursuits.
Yet these BITCOIN STANDARD BEARERS pursue equally worthy volition’s whether it be carpentry, dentistry, carpet cleaning, nursing, artists or any of the limitless honorable enterprises and valuable services offered in the market place.
These BITCOIN STANDARD BEARERS contribute to a peaceful society through “buidl” according to their own inclinations by being the very best in these pursuits and enterprises accumulating true wealth that can be passed on through future productive generations by the emergence of a common STANDARD that is secure, borderless, and unconfiscatable.
IT IS HEREBY DECLARED AND DECREED due to irreconcilable differences and unfaithfulness to the STANDARD that the terms “hodl” and “buidl” are exclusively awarded to what will from this day forward be known as THE BITCOIN STANDARD as an entity and BITCOIN STANDARD BEARERS as persons and divorced from THE CYRPTO WORLD.