BMEX Is The New Poo Poocoin

Ugly Old Goat
7 min readJan 17, 2023

We are all shitcoiners now! Yes, even Saifedean Ammous! Giacomo Zucco, Tone Vays, Matt Odell and Jimmy Song are still unpopped Old Maids.

This article was updated January 18, 2023.

The more the world changes the more it stays the same. Who would have thunk Bitmex would issue its own shitcoin? A trading platform for shitcoins is one thing. It provides a dumping place for the creators and a place for speculators to speculate without owning the shitcoin. Have we learned nothing from the most recent Crypto World meltdown?

Well, Bitmex does not allow you to call it a shitcoin on their troll box. Hence, this title PooPoocoin is the automated troll box translation.

Today Bmex changes the rules for its PooPooin. The significance is simple for all plebs to understand.

In a nutshell, shitcoins are centralized. They can be changed on a whim, just as the BMEX shitcoin was changed today, so don’t be surprised when it gets revalued later down the road.

